According to public records this property is owned by Harmer Thomas A. Type of this property is Single Family and it was built in 1993. Number of this parcel is 0003090020. Total living area of this property is 4,339 sqft. It has 1 floor, 3 bedrooms, 4 full baths. Land square footage is 13,703 sqft. Construction materials used to build this building include Stucco. The foundation of this building is retaining wall.

This property was last sold for $794,950 on 2018-11-16. This sale price was 21% lower than the city average and 13% lower than average price of property on Bayou Cir, Longboat Key.
Price per square feet was $183. It is 43% lower than the city average and 24% lower than average price per square feet on Bayou Cir, Longboat Key. Average property on this street is 0 years .

View Harmer Thomas A Full Report

Property Value

Price Sold$794,950
Sold Date2018-11-16
Price per sqft$183
Build Year2003
Sale Price$795,000
Land Value $302,400
Just Value $742,900
Just Value Homestead $742,900
Ass. Value Homestead $505,750

More About 3610 Bayou Cir

Owner NameHarmer Thomas A
Land Sq. Footage 13,703 sqft
Total Living Area 4,339 sqft
No. of Buildings 1
Construction Class Masonry
Assessed Value School Dist. $505,750
Assessed Value Non-School Dist. $505,750
Taxable Value School Dist. $480,750
Improvement Quality Above Average
No. of Residential Units 1
Special Feature Value $30,600
Prev. Homestead Owner 1

Possible Residents

Samuel Romel
Phone Number: (941) 383-0338

View Samuel Romel Full Report
Samuel Ronel
Phone Number: (941) 383-0338

View Samuel Ronel Full Report

Possible Previous Residents

Gary P Roecker
Age: 68
Phone Number: (913) 485-3335

View Gary P Roecker Full Report
Denise A Roecker
Age: 60
Phone Number: (913) 402-0890

View Denise A Roecker Full Report

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