Type of this property is Single Family and it was built in 1935. Number of this parcel is 062385050. Total living area of this property is 1,500 sqft. It has 1 floor, 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths. Land square footage is 3,746 sqft and lot dimension is depth: 140 ft, width: 27 ft.

This property was last sold for $440,000 on 2000-09-13. This sale price was 70% lower than the city average and 66% lower than average price of property on Central Ave, Menlo Park.
Price per square feet was $293. It is 59% lower than the city average and 68% lower than average price per square feet on Central Ave, Menlo Park. Average property on this street is 15 years younger than this property.

Property Value

Price Sold$440,000
Sold Date2000-09-13
Price per sqft$293

Other Properties on Central Ave